Friday, October 19, 2012

So today here in Ct. was a very rainy day. The rain just fell in sheets, the way it was coming down you just knew that will be snow coming down like that in a couple of months. It is also the 1 year anniversary of last year's Oct. snowfall that left us with no power for a complete week. Lol and I remember how I cried when it finally came back on, one week to the day.

(still thinking about those summer time fruity desserts..I love them!)
So although I had no intentions on working on minis today, I really could not clean, being I have three little dogs..and they run in and out all the time, I said no cleaning today, just will have to clean it over tomorrow. So I though I share what I did do today. Hope tomorrow is better :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

So the Holidays are creeping up on us

So here I am, I completely abandoned my poor Beacon Hill. I feel sooo bad about that. I have been working so hard trying to get my Etsy Shop ready for the Holidays,,,,and feeling a little good about that :) So here of a few things I have made that I would like to share.

I do so love making minis, and my mind just goes round and round about things to create. Alot of the time I have to remind myself that I am getting way ahead of myself. Most of all I love that it takes my mind off all other things. It's like just me and my minis in the world! I love it!  Then there are those times I have to come back to reality, have to eat, shop, pay bills, etc. I ALWAYS find my way back though....always!